Friday, 6 May 2016

Spot the mistake

May 5, 2016
maths mistake
Can you spot the mistake?
The latest one to get people thinking doesn’t necessarily require maths skills or lateral thinking, but is a simple test of your observation skills.
You’re told there is a mistake and asked to identify it. You probably won’t notice it immediately, but once you do… you’ll be kicking yourself.
Give yourself only 5 to 10 seconds ……
Most people will immediately look at the multi-coloured numbers to see if that’s where the mistake is.
How quickly did you see it?


  1. For the people who looks on comments then you'll know that the answer is:The ‘the’ is repeated.
    The extra ‘the’ is easy to skip over if you have a limited amount of time

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  3. Hey Valerie,
    That's pretty smart,
    I really love riddles and that was a quick and easy riddle!
    Name 4 days of the week that start with T.
    A: Tuesday,Thursday,Today,Tomorrow.
    Maybe next time you could do a harder one?

    Your friend,

  4. Hi Valerie
    That is really smart. I'm Jessica from Paparoa Range school & I was wondering do you want to be my blogging buddie?
    From Jessica It is my blog address.

    1. Hi Jessica,
      I would love to be your blogging buddie.But the problem is...I don't know what a blogging buddie is or how to be a blogging buddie and I'm not in your school.But I would accept if I knew how.And thanks for commenting!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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