Wednesday, 30 March 2016

A snake game.

Don't run into yourself or it's game over for you.Can you beat 1650 or 2000 or the highest score 4000?
If so write down in the comments and have a good day.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Disc drop.

This is a game to try and get the most points.Can you beat 150?

Monday, 28 March 2016


This is mangle.                                                       And the fishes names and colours are:Freddy:Brown,Bonnie:Purple,Chica:Dark yellow,Foxy:Dark red,Toy Freddy:Light brown,Toy Bonnie/Bon bon:Blue,Toy Chica/Chickadee:Yellow,Mangle:Pink.(Can't do white and pink for Mangle sorry!.)
And for those who realize some missing FNAF characters here's the rest:Golden Freddy:Dark orangey yellow,Springtrap:Darker orangey yellow,Shadow Freddy:Dark purple,Shadow Bon bon:Darker purple

Thursday, 24 March 2016

I wonder.

I wonder how the river flows.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Care code

This is our care code.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Funny and cute animal vids.

cute vids for cute animal lovers.Watch only at home.

Hover boards.

Company releases hoverboard

October 28, 2014
The hoverboard is here!
If you’ve ever seen Back to the Future 2, then you will remember the flying skateboard which the main character, Marty McFly, uses to fly through the air. Well you don’t need to wait for the future, because a company in California has created a real-life hoverboard.
There is no air used to lift the board, instead the company has used special magnetic technology to keep the board off the ground. In the future this technology may also be used in earthquakes and floods to lift buildings out of harms way!
Check out the video below.
Article written by D Mulhern
[su_youtube url=”” height=”420″]


<img src=";h=360">

Today was Race Relations Day.Her are some posters we made in google drawing.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Describing some colours.

WALT: Describe

We are using descriptive language to describe colours.
Think about including:  senses, adjectives and verbs.

Based on the book:  The Black Book of Colours
by Menena Cottin & Rosana Faria

An example from the book:  Red
“Red is sour like unripe strawberries and as sweet as watermelon.  It hurts when he finds it on his scraped knee.”

Your turn!  Choose FIVE colours to describe.

Colour 1:Green.
Green is like the shiny unripe apple that we could eat. The blades of green grass tickling your feet. The leaves from the tree green and healthy.

Colour 2:Blue.
The blue sea lapping at your feet. The nice blue sky fine as always. The sweet blueberries, sweet as sugar.

Colour 3:Yellow.
The golden yellow petals of the sunflower shining in the sun.The yellow minion walking past you.The golden sun shining brightly.

Colour 4:White.
The snow white as always.The clouds gliding past you casting a shadow on you.The paper,white when not used.

Colour 5:Pink.
Pink cherry trees blossoming.The pink bubblegum flavoured cotton candy sweet as six table spoons of brown sugar.The sunset beautiful in the pink sky.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Lynx facts

Eurasian Lynx Facts!

Here at National Geographic Kids, we're fascinated by our planet's wild cats! Join us we discover ten facts about the Eurasian lynx...

1) The Eurasian lynx is one of the widest ranging cats in the world and can be found in the forests of western EuropeRussia and central Asia.

2) These fur-ocious felines are the largest of the lynx species, and the third largest predator in Europe after the brown bear and the wolf.

3) These incredible cats are strict carnivores, feeding mostly on ungulates (hoofed mammals) such as deer. When food is scarce they also eat smaller prey like hares, foxes and rabbits.

4) The Eurasian lynx can be considered quite a secretive creature. The sounds it makes are very low and often not heard, and their presence in an area can go unnoticed for years!

5) Come meal time, the Eurasian lynx stalks its prey from the cover of thick vegetation. It then pounces on its unsuspecting lunch, delivering a fatal bite to the neck or snout.

6) The Eurasian lynx's distinctive features are its black tufts at the tips of its ears and a long white facial 'ruff'. It has grey, rusty or red fur which grows thicker in winter. Its coat is also patterned, almost always with dark spots.
7) Although they may hunt during the day (particularly when food is scarce), the Eurasian lynx is mainly nocturnal or crepuscular (active during dawn and dusk). They spend the day sleeping in dense vegetation. Zzzzzzzz.

8) The Eurasian lynx measures around 90-110cm in length, and around 60 -70cm in height.

9) In the wild, the Eurasian lynx can survive up to 17 years. Captive Eurasian lynx in sanctuaries have been known to live to up to 24 years.

10) In Europe, the Eurasian lynx was once on the brink of extinction, with numbers falling to around 700 between 1930 and 1950. The good news is that conservation work has allowed populations to bounce - or pounce! - back, with numbers increasing 10-fold over the past 50 years. Yey! Work still needs to be done though, gang, as illegal hunting and habitat loss still pose a threat to these beautiful cats.

Want to find out more about wild cats? Then check out our other fierce feline features...!

Ten Facts About Lions

Ten Facts About Tigers

Ten Facts About Jaguars

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Creative writing.

WARNING:Disgusting pic.WALT: add descriptive words to my writing.lion+on+stilts.jpg
Remember to:
  • use your senses - what can you hear, see, smell, touch and taste
  • add in similes and metaphors

using feelings  

Ruffle ruffle ruffle I crept as silently as a wolf hehehe!He would never see me coming! I thought to myself as the spring breeze ruffled my mane, altho on second thought this just seems dumb.But I would not stop since I’ve gone this far.This is one of the big,fat,juicy giraffes mmm coming to think of it I can already taste his sweet juicy succulent flesh in my mouth.Then as fast as lightning I jumped of the stilts and onto his back “OUCH!” He screamed in pain “I got you now Jiffy!”I growled in triumph”What did I ever do to you?please let me go!”He pleaded”NEVER!hahaha!”I laughed out loud he tried to shake me of ,but I kept my grip tight and didn't let go.He started swaying here and there then “thump” I was feeling victorious.I dragged him off to my lair then began eating the game that I killed.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Cat maid.

A cat trained to be a maid?Cool!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Eggtastic Eggception

March 7, 2016
One woman received a rare surprise when she cracked open an egg only to find another one inside it!
The woman filmed the discovery, showing viewers the remains of the first egg shell, the yolk and the second egg that came out.
The second egg was smaller and covered in a gooey substance but after some testing the woman realised that it was a whole egg with shell intact.
After cracking the second egg another perfect yolk came out!
Check out the video here.

Friday, 4 March 2016

For people who likes mutant animals and creatures.

For animal lovers.
WARNING.Watch all videos only at home or you might get in trouble.

About me

Kamusta my name is Valerie D.I am 10 years old.I am a student at Owairaka District School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 21 and my excellent teacher is Miss Green. My hobbies are:Reading,free swimming,listening to some music,art.My favorite colour is all kinds of bright green.My email address is,my favorite books are Skull duggery Pleasant and White Fang because it’s got adventure it’s got action and it’s got mystery.

iHasCupquake rules!

Watch only at home.

Who does not like minecraft?

Watch only at home or I will remove these.

Try not to laugh and try not to scream!

Watch if you dare!

Thursday, 3 March 2016

There's something else in here...

Severed Snake Head Found In Canned Beans

February 24, 2016
A woman in Utah was left horrified after finding a severed snake head inside a can of green beans.
Troy Walker was preparing dinner with her church group for elderly neighbours when she discovered the surprise.
Troy initially though it was just a burnt bean then saw eyes when she lifted it off the spoon. Troy says that’s when she ‘dropped it and screamed.’
She took the snake head and can back to the Harmons grocery store where she purchased in and received an apology and a full refund on the cans that she had bought.
A photo was also sent to the company that produces the canned beans and they are investigating the incident.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Fast roller coaster.

World’s fastest roller coaster opens

June 30, 2013
roller coaster
A new roller coaster, which claims to be the tallest and fastest looping ride in the world, has opened at Six Flags Magic Mountain park in Los Angeles.
The Full Throttle ride in California has a massive 55m loop that takes riders upside down twice and the ride even has a section that takes thrill-seekers backwards.
The attraction, which opened on Saturday, has a top speed going into the loops of 120km per hour.
What is also amazing is that the theme park now has whopping 18 rollercoasters.
[youtube id=”buENw5eWg0w” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Odd police chase.

Police Chase Escaped ‘Unicorn’

February 29, 2016
Police in California received a surprising call for help from some confused drivers who spotted an escaped ‘unicorn’ on the road.
The ‘unicorn’ was actually a pony named Juliet who is dressed up by her owner to attend children’s parties.
The spooked animal dodged busy traffic while being chased by police after escaping with her unicorn horn still attached to her halter.
Juliet led police and local residents on a 3 hour chase which also involved a helicopter to help track the animal.

It seems Juliet had been on the hunt for a friend and finally stopped when she found another horse to hang out with.
Police safely caught the pony and returned her to her owner.

Vending machine trouble.

Boy Gets Stuck In Vending Machine

March 1, 2016
vending machine
A 4 year old boy from the remote Northern Territory of Australia spent 6 hours stuck in a vending machine.
The boy was on holiday with his family in Melbourne when he came across his first ever vending machine in the hotel.
While attempting to reach inside the machine for a packet of biscuits, his arm became stuck in the anti-theft mechanism.

Emergency services were called and had to cut the boy out of the machine with an angle grinder. He was later taken to Royal Children’s Hospital.

Baby's heart on forehead.

Baby Born With Love Heart On Forehead

February 29, 2016
Baby Poppy-Rae has a rather unique birthmark on her forehead…a heart!
Two days after she was born, Poppy-Rae’s parents noticed the mark on her head.
The distinct heart shape is even more special because Poppy-Rae’s mother discovered that her pregnancy began on Valentine’s day last year!
The mark worried Poppy-Rae’s parents when it turned a dark red whenever she laughed or cried. A trip to the doctor reassured them that it was just a regular birthmark in an unusual place and shape.
Doctors believe that the mark may disappear when Poppy-Rae gets to age 4 or 5 but could reappear later in life.
Check out the pics below!

googly eye glasses

New googly eye glasses set Guinness World Record

October 29, 2013
googly eyes
Children at a nonprofit youth centre have set a Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people wearing googly eye glasses.
More than 300 people, mostly kids, donned the wacky glasses and then played in a playground in south Los Angeles.
they beat the previous record which was set at 200.
Jonathan Glatt, chief executive office of party and costume supply company Private Island Entertainment sponsored the event.
He came up with the idea after watching a tv show where one of the main characters was wearing funny eyes.
Article written by  Editor
[tabs tab1=”Reading Activities” tab2=”Recall Questions” tab3=”Thinking Questions” tab4=” Thinking Worksheets”]
[tab id=1]
Use the article above as a reading comprehension activity with your class or child.
We have three levels of questions ranging from ‘recall’ questions to ‘in-depth thinking’ activities for each article.
You can print out the article or save as a PDF using the links below.
[tab id=2]
Use the article above to answer the following questions. Write both the questions and answers down in your book.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
2. What was the key event from the news article?
3. Where did this event take place?
4. When did this event take place?
5. Why did this event happen?
[tab id=3]
Use the article above to answer the following questions. Write both the questions and answers down in your book.
1. Find quote from the main person in this news article?
2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.
[tab id=4]
Use the article above to answer the following questions. Print out the worksheet by clicking on the orange words and then complete your answers on the sheet.
Current Events Web
Find the Who, What, Where, When, How and Why in the article to complete this worksheet.
I Think Because
Share what you think about the article and explain why.
My Questions
Write a question map about questions that you have after reading the article.
News Review
Give the news article you have read a review
Write what you KNOW about the topic in the article, what you would LIKE to find out and then what you have LEARNT.
Newspaper Bingo
Play newspaper bingo. Find a number of different articles to complete the grid.
Questions and Answers
Write a set of questions and then their answers after reading the article.
The Big Idea
Find the big idea by highlighting the 5 W’s and 1 H. then select 25 of key words associated with the article.
Word Investigation
Vocabulary exercise where students find key words within the article.